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Landscape Design Software
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Upgrade gCADPlus
gCADPlus and OneDrive
gCADPlus on Macs
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Install CrossOver and gCADPlus on a Mac
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gCADPlus and CrossOver
Menu Toggle
Missing block library symbols
Run gCADPlus under Catalina
Use Hatch on a Mac
Upgrade a copy of gCADPlus that’s running on a Mac under Crossover
Run gCADPlus under WIne
Protecting your work when using a Mac
YouTube Mac Playlist
Landscape design on Macs – step by step
Install PDFWriter on a Mac
Protecting CAD drawings
gCADPlus on Linux
Version History
About Us
Getting Started
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Imperial Version
Metric Version
Create your first gCADPlus drawing (imperial US)
Create a CAD drawing from a hand plan (metric)
First Job (USA)
From hand drafting to CAD
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Download gCADPlus
Convert feet and inch to decimal feet
Add extra symbols
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Transparent circular symbols
Deciduous trees in elevation
Australian Native Species
30 trees in elevation
Landscape lighting plan symbols
Streetscape symbols
Irrigation symbols
Menu Toggle
Broad scale irrigation
Download symbols
Free book
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Making your own symbols
Layer visibilty
Delete Layers
Managing layers in landscape CAD drawings
Landscape Project Checklist
Switch languages
Managing layers in landscape CAD drawings
Selection Sets
Menu Toggle
Learn landscape CAD
Menu Toggle
Menu Toggle
Rear Gardens
Menu Toggle
Formal design
Informal/Formal Design
Provide for wheelchair access
Large rear garden
Small space 10m x 10m
Brick paving and planters
Long narrow courtyard
Low maintenance with lighting
Small rear garden space with raised deck
Rear garden space 28m x 20m
Formal rear garden design 20m x 15m
Design for courtyard home
Food garden
Species lists
Menu Toggle
Recover gCADPlus Backup File
Save As PDF
Menu Toggle
Zone marker – PDF transparency
Ways to print PDF
Menu Toggle
SaveAsPDF vs Print PDF
Print 1:100
Use Templates
AutoCAD to gCADPlus
Menu Toggle
Convert AutoCAD dwg to binary DXF
Convert AutoCAD files to gCADPlus format
Protecting CAD drawings
Menu Toggle
Options on View Drop menu
Menu Toggle
Improving the use of the MTEXT command
Menu Toggle
Drawing smooth shapes
Using images
Menu Toggle
Hatch patterns
Use Google Earth for base plans
Using Splines
Use Multiline Command
Menu Toggle
Multiline Styles
Boundary command
Basket weave paving
Menu Toggle
How to apply dimensions
Leader entity
Modify Dimension Leader
Dimensioned drawing
Override dimension values
Menu Toggle
Offset command
Editing Symbols
Break command
Trim and Extend
Customizing Symbols
Drawing Sheet Frames
Converting from surveyors drawings
Reset the base point of blocks
Using grips to edit
Menu Toggle
gCADPlus interface
Zoom and Pan
Menu Toggle
Adjusting the view of a design
Managing Layer States
Modify toolbars
Polar tracking
Use Templates
Contour data from Google Earth
Controlling osnaps
Snap and Grid Settings
Menu Toggle
Extract Irrigation Quantities
Sustainable landscape design
Place PDF
Fix corrupt drawings
Gridline command
Menu Toggle
New Plant Symbol
Irrigation symbols for gardens
Menu Toggle
Plant Schedules
Plant database files
Label plants
Menu Toggle
SmartLabel tool
Store non-graphic information landscape plans
Create database files from Excel
Broadscale planting
Sustainability calculator
Copy along line
Design Course
Menu Toggle
Building an online presence
Meeting Clients
Menu Toggle
Build a Design Portfolio
Site Survey
Menu Toggle
Equipment Required
Measuring Sites
Draw Full Size
Drafting Plans
Menu Toggle
Benefits of CAD Drafting
Complete Design – Decimal Feet
Menu Toggle
Deciduous trees in elevation
Base Plan from Mud Map
Use Google Earth and Google Earth Pro to create a base plans
How to label plant symbols
Hand lettered text styles
gCADPlus fonts
Compare gCADPlus with Vectorworks
Design Objectives
Menu Toggle
Design in 2D but think about 3D
Vertical and Horizontal Planes
Paving, Pattern and Perception
Sustainable landscape design
Designs Based on Geometric Shapes
Allocating Spaces
Landscape Design Software
Main Menu
30 trees in elevation
36 shrub symbols
3D concept landscape plan
3D modeling
3D Modeling – step by step
About Us
Add a Google Earth image to gCADPlus and Geo Referencing it
Add extra symbols
Adjusting the view of a design
Allocating Spaces
Apply dimensions to landscape plans
Apply Imperial Dimensions
Arborists using gCADPlus
Assess a site
Australian Native Species
AutoCAD to gCADPlus
Base Plan from Mud Map
Basket weave paving
Benefits of CAD Drafting
Boundary command
Break command
Brick paving and planters
Broad scale irrigation
Broadscale planting
Build a Design Portfolio
Building an online presence
CAD and landscape design
CAD drafting in Imperial units
CAD drawing crashes
Change the base point of a block
Compare gCADPlus with Vectorworks
Complete Design – Decimal Feet
Concept plans
Contact Us
Contour data from Google Earth
Controlling osnaps
Controlling the size, shape and appearance of the cross-hair cursor
Convert AutoCAD drawings
Convert AutoCAD dwg to binary DXF
Convert AutoCAD files to gCADPlus format
Convert dwg files for SketchUp
Convert feet and inch to decimal feet
Converting from surveyors drawings
Copse tool
Copy along line
Create a CAD design from a hand plan
Create a CAD drawing from a hand plan (metric)
Create a design from a hand drawn plan
Create CAD version of a hand drawn design (metric)
Create database files from Excel
Create your first gCADPlus drawing (imperial US)
Customizing Symbols
Database files
Deciduous trees in elevation
Delete Layers
Design Course
Design for courtyard home
Design in 2D but think about 3D
Design Objectives
Designing for wheelchair access
Designs Based on Geometric Shapes
Different 3D Modeling Techniques
Dimensioned drawing
Distance enquiry
Download gCADPlus
Download symbols
Drafting Plans
Draw Full Size
Drawing Sheet Frames
Drawing smooth shapes
Edit polylines
Editing Symbols
Equipment Required
Extra Symbols
Extract Irrigation Quantities
Feet and inches conversion
First Job (USA)
Fix corrupt drawings
Fix corrupt files
Fixed scale 1/64
Food garden
Formal design
Formal rear garden design 20m x 15m
Free book
Free version of gCADPlus
From gCADPlus to SketchUp
From hand drafting to CAD
From hand drafting to CAD
Garden Design Software
gCADPlus and CrossOver
gCADPlus and OneDrive
gCADPlus fonts
gCADPlus interface
gCADPlus on Linux
gCADPlus on Macs
Getting Started
Gradient fills
Gridline command
Hand lettered text styles
Hatch Patterns
Hatch patterns
How to apply dimensions
How to control the display of grips
How to label plant symbols
Human figures
Imperial Version
Improving the use of the MTEXT command
Increase line thickness in PDF
Indicating massed planting
Informal/Formal Design
Install CrossOver and gCADPlus on a Mac
Install PDFWriter on a Mac
Introduction to SketchUp
Irrigation symbols
Irrigation symbols
Irrigation symbols for gardens
Label plants
Landscape design on Macs – step by step
Landscape lighting plan symbols
Landscape Project Checklist
Landscape Software Australia
Large rear garden
Layer visibilty
Leader entity
Learn CAD
Learn landscape CAD
Learn SketchUp
Load hatch patterns
Long narrow courtyard
Low maintenance with lighting
Make new symbols
Making your own symbols
Manage lineweights
Managing Layer States
Managing layers in landscape CAD drawings
Managing lineweights in landscape drawings
Measuring Sites
Meeting Clients
Metric Version
Missing block library symbols
Modify Dimension Leader
Modify toolbars
Movement in designs
Multiline Styles
New Plant Symbol
Offset command
Options on View Drop menu
Override dimension values
Paving, Pattern and Perception
Place PDF
Plant database files
Plant lists
Plant Schedules
Plot fixed scale
Menu Toggle
Polar tracking
Principles of Landscape Design
Print 1:100
Problems creating symbols
Protecting CAD drawings
Protecting your work when using a Mac
Provide for wheelchair access
Rear garden space 28m x 20m
Rear Gardens – spaces
Recover gCADPlus Backup File
Remove blocks
Reset the base point of blocks
Run gCADPlus under Catalina
Run gCADPlus under WIne
Save As PDF
SaveAsPDF vs Print PDF
Selection Sets
Site Survey
Small rear garden space with raised deck
Small space 10m x 10m
SmartLabel tool
Snap and Grid Settings
Species lists
Start a new drawing with a template
Store non-graphic information landscape plans
Streetscape symbols
Sustainability calculator
Sustainable Design
Sustainable landscape design
Sustaininbility Calculator
Switch languages
Text in layout tabs too small
The LINE command
Transparent circular symbols
Tree planting
Trim and Extend
Upgrade gCADPlus
Upgrade gCADPlus under CrossOver
URL text
Use Google Earth and Google Earth Pro to create a base plans
Use Google Earth for base plans
Use Hatch on a Mac
Use Multiline Command
Use Templates
Use the MiniLayer tool
Using CAD for landscape design
Using grips to edit
Using images
Using plant database files
Using Splines
Using the Array command
Vectorworks to gCADPlus
Version History
Vertical and Horizontal Planes
Viewport visibility
Ways to print PDF
Why use CAD?
YouTube Mac Playlist
Zone marker – PDF transparency
Zoom and Pan
Recent Videos
Menu Toggle
August 2, 2018