SketchUp Tools

SketchUp provides a series of additional tools which can assist in editing your models. These can be activated from the Tools drop down menu and we will cover the use of some of these tools in this module.

We have already covered the use of some of these tools in other modules. Examples are the Rotate and Scale tools.

The Tools drop down menu.

Activating the Edit toolbar

It is well worth activating and displaying the modification palette (toolbar) when you find the need to use these more advanced editing tools in the SketchUp environment.

The Edit toolbar.

Somewhat confusingly, this toolbar is called the edit toolbar, even though you select the modification option.

Click here to play a movie which reminds you how to activate the modification (edit) toolbar.

More tools

It is important to keep in mind that editing tools can be located on the standard toolbar, the Edit drop down menu and the Edit toolbar. Let's look at some more of these.


Use the Select Tool to specify the entities you will modify when using other tools or commands. The entities that are included in a selection are referred to as the selection set. Activate the Select Tool from the Principal toolbar or from the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut: Spacebar

Selecting a Single Entity

SketchUp allows you to make both single-entity and multiple-entity selections. To select a single entity:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor changes to an arrow.

  2. Click on an entity. The selected entity is highlighted in yellow.

Selecting Multiple Entities

Multiple-entity selections are useful when you want to perform a single operation on several entities (the selection set). Multiple-entity selections use an expandable selection box to surround the entities you want in the selection set. To select multiple entities:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Click and hold the mouse button a short distance away from the entities you want to select to start a selection box.

  3. Drag the mouse to expand the selection box over the elements you want to select.

    1. Clicking to the right-side and dragging to the left, called a crossing selection, selects any elements within the selection rectangle, including those that are only partially contained in the rectangle. The following images show a right-to-left selection selecting two components, though none are completely within the bounds of the selection box.


    1. Clicking to the left-side of the entities and dragging right, called a window selection, selects only those elements completely within the selection rectangle. The following image shows a left-to-right selection selecting one component because only one component (the left speaker) is completely within the bounds of the selection box.

  1. Release the mouse button when all of the elements are either partially included (left-to-right selection) or fully included (right-to-left selection) in the selection box.

Adding and Subtracting From a Selection Set

The Select Tool can be used with one or more keyboard modifiers to add or remove entities from a selection set.

Adding to the Selection Set (Ctrl)

Press and hold the Ctrl key (the cursor will change to an arrow with a plus sign) while clicking on additional entities to add entities, one-by-one, to the selection set. Or, press and hold the Shift key (the cursor will change to an arrow with a plus and minus signs) while clicking on additional entities to add entities, one-by-one, to the selection set.

Changing Selection Status for an Entity (Shift)

Press and hold the Shift key (The cursor will change to an arrow with plus and minus signs) while clicking on entities to invert the selection status of the entity (currently selected entities will become unselected, unselected entities will be come selected).

Subtracting from the Selection Set (Shift+Ctrl)

Press and hold the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously (the cursor will change to an arrow with a minus sign) while clicking on currently selected entities to remove entities from the selection set. Or, press and hold the Shift key (the cursor will change to an plus sign and minus sign) while clicking on currently selected entities to remove the entities, one-by-one, from the selection set.

Tip - Use the Group entity to group items within a selection set as a temporary way of quickly reselecting the same group of items. See the Group entity for additional information.

Expanding the Selection Set Using the Mouse

You can automatically add to a selection set clicking the Select Tool multiple times in rapid succession. Click once on an entity to select that entity. Click rapidly twice (double-click) on an entity, namely an edge or face, to select corresponding faces or edges respectively.  Click three times (triple-click) on an entity, namely an edge or face, to select he edge or face and all entities physically connected to that edge or face. The following image shows this click/selection sequence.

Tip - Use a context-click to invoke the context menu for an entity. Many context menus have a Select submenu allowing you to expand a selection using one of the following commands: Bounding Edges, Connected Faces, All Connected, All on same layer, and All with same material.

Selecting or Unselecting All Geometry

Use either the Select All menu item in the Edit menu or press Ctrl+A on the keyboard to select all visible elements in your model.

Use the Deselect All menu item in the Edit model, press Ctrl+T , or click on any empty space in the Drawing Area to de-select all currently selected entities.

Eraser (adapted from the Help file)

Use the Eraser Tool to delete entities. The Eraser Tool can also be used to hide and soften edges. Activate the Eraser Tool from the Principal toolbar, or by selecting Eraser from the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut: E

Erasing Entities

As mentioned previously, the Eraser Tool is used to erase entities in the drawing area. Note, the Eraser Tool does not allow you to erase faces (faces are erased after their bounding edges are erased). To erase entities:

  1. Select the Eraser Tool. The cursor changes to an eraser with a small box.

  2. Click on an entity to erase it. Alternatively, erase several entities at once by  holding down the mouse button and dragging it over several entities to be erased. All selected geometry will be erased once you release the mouse button.

If you accidentally select geometry you do not wish to delete, press the ESC key to cancel the erase operation before it deletes your selection.

Tip - Try erasing entities slowly if you continuously skip over entities you want to erase.  

Tip - It is usually faster to erase a large number of entities by selecting the entities with the  Select Tool and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. You can also delete selected items by selecting Erase from the Edit menu.

Hiding Lines

Press and hold the Shift key and use the Eraser Tool to hide lines (instead of erasing lines).

Softening/Unsoftening Edges

Press and hold the Ctrl key to soften/smooth edges (instead of erasing entities). Press and hold the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously to unsoften/unsmooth edges.

Paint Bucket

Use the Paint Bucket Tool to assign materials and colors to entities in your model. You can use it to paint individual entities, fill a number of connected faces, or replace a material with another throughout your model. Activate the Paint Bucket Tool from the Principal  toolbar, or by choosing Paint Bucket from the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut: B

Applying Materials

Ensure you are using either the Shaded or Shaded with Textures display setting so that you can see materials as they are applied to your model (Window > Display Settings > Shaded or Shaded with Textures). To apply materials:

  1. Select the Paint Bucket Tool. The cursor will change to a paint bucket and the Material Browser is activated. The Materials Browser contains libraries of materials you can paint on faces in your model.

  2. Select a materials library using the drop down list in the Materials Browser. SketchUp contains several default materials libraries, including landscape, roofing, and transparent materials.

  3. Select a material from the materials library.

  4. Click on the faces to paint. The material is assigned to the face.

Face Painting Rules

There are several face painting rules that apply when painting multiple faces or edges at the same time. These rules follow:

  • The side of the faces that will be painted depends on the side initially painted when more than one face is selected. For example, if all faces are selected and you paint the front of one face, the front of all faces will be painted. Conversely, if all faces are selected and you paint the back of one face, all back faces will be painted.  

  • All selected edges will be painted when you select a face and all edges and paint the front of the face. No edges are painted when you select a face and all edges and paint the back of one face. Ensure you have the Window > Display Settings > Edge color set to By Material to see the painted effect applied to edges.

Fill Options

The Paint Bucket Tool can be used with one or more keyboard modifiers to perform various painting operations.

Element Fill

The Paint Bucket Tool normally operates by filling in faces as you click on them. As mentioned previously, entities selected with the Select Tool can be painted with a single click of the Paint Bucket Tool.

Adjacent Fill

Press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking on a face with the Paint Bucket Tool to fill that face and any adjacent (connected) face with the same material. The face you click on and the adjacent face must have the same material prior to performing this operation.

Note - Selecting a number of entities with the Select Tool and painting using the Ctrl modifier keys  causes just the entities within the selection set to be painted.


Press and hold the Shift key prior to clicking on a face with the Paint Bucket Tool to apply a material to every face, with the same material in the current context, with the new material.

Note - Selecting a number of entities with the Select Tool and painting using the Shift modifier key causes just the entities within the selection set to be painted.

Adjacent Replace

Press and hold both the Shift and the Ctrl keys simultaneously while painting to only replace the material on the face within the confines of geometry that is physically connected to that face.

Note - Selecting a number of entities with the Select Tool and painting using the Ctrl modifier keys  causes just the entities within the selection set to be painted.

Sampling a Material

Press and hold the Alt key to change from the Paint Bucket Tool to a Sample Tool for sampling materials within your model. The cursor will change to an eye dropper. Click on the face whose material you want to sample. Release the Alt key to return to the Paint Bucket Tool. Paint the sampled material on a face.  

Painting Groups and Components

Materials can be painted on entire Group entities or Component entities or to the individual entities within the Group or Component. To assign materials to an entire Group or Component:

  1. Select the Paint Bucket Tool. The cursor will change to a paint bucket and the Material Browser is activated. The Materials Browser contains libraries of materials you can paint on faces in your model.

  2. Select a materials library using the drop down list box. SketchUp contains several default materials libraries, including landscape, roofing, and transparent materials.

  3. Select a material from the library of materials.

  4. Click on the Group or Component you want to paint. The faces will receive the material.

  5. If you select multiple Groups or Components using the Select Tool, clicking on the selection with the Paint Tool will paint all of them with a single click.

Note - If a face within a Group or Component is already painted with a material (other than the default material), before applying a material to the entire Group or Component, the face will not adopt the new material. For example, the windshields, bumpers, and tires in the following image were already painted before a material was applied to these components. Therefore, the windshields, bumpers, and tires maintained their original material.

Note - Exploding a Group or Component assigns the object materials to any elements assigned the default material, thus making the material override permanent.


Use the Move Tool to move, stretch and copy geometry. This tool can also be used to rotate components and groups. Activate the Move Tool using the Modification toolbar or the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut: M

Moving a Single Entity

You can activate the Move Tool when nothing is selected to select a single entity to move. The selection click point becomes the base point for the move operation. To select and move a single entity:

  1. Select the Move Tool. The cursor will change to a four-way arrow.

  2. Click on an entity to begin the move operation.

  3. Move the cursor to move the entity. The selected entity will follow as you move the cursor.

  4. Click at the destination point to finish your move operation.

Note - If the entity you are moving is connected to other entities, the other entities will be moved or modified accordingly.  See the Stretching Geometry section for further information on this behavior.

Moving Several Entities

You can preselect several entities to move prior to performing a move operation. To preselect and move entities:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the entities to be moved.

  3. Select the Move Tool. The cursor will change to an four-way arrow.

  4. Click once on an entity to begin the move operation. The point where you click on the entity is called the move point.

  5. Move your mouse to move the entities. The selected entities will follow as you move your mouse. Also, an inference line will appear between the start and ending points of the move, and the distance of the move is displayed dynamically in the VCB. You can also type in a specific distance as described below. The following image shows a component being moved:

Tip - Follow inference lines to easily align items in 3D space. Select corners of components as your move point and align to corners of other components when aligning components side-by-side (such as when aligning kitchen cabinet components).

  1. Click at the destination point to finish your move operation.

Note - Press the Esc key at any point during the operation to start over.

Moving by Inference

The Move Tool uses SketchUp's sophisticated geometric inference engine to help you place entities in 3D space. The inference decisions, made by the inference engine, are displayed in the drawing area as inference lines and inference points. These lines and points show precise alignment between the move operation and the geometry of your model. Refer to the inference engine topic for additional information.

Locking a Move to the Current Inference Direction

Press and hold the Shift key, while the move you are performing is the specific colour of an axis, to lock move operation to that axis.

Locking a Line to a Specific Inference Direction

Press and hold either the up arrow, left arrow, or right arrow keys, where up arrow equals blue, left arrow equals green, and right arrow equals red, while moving to lock the move to a specific axis.

Moving Groups and Components

If a component is glued to a face, the component will stay in the plane of that face when moved unless it is unglued. Copies of a glued component will also be glued to the originating plane.

Stretching Geometry

When you move an element that is interconnected with others, SketchUp will stretch geometry as necessary. You can move points, edges, and faces in this manner. For example, the following Face entity can be moved back in the negative red direction or up in the positive blue direction:

You can also move single line segments to stretch an object. In the following example, a line is selected and moved up in the blue direction to form a sloped roof.

Moving/Stretching With Autofold

SketchUp will Autofold faces automatically when a move or stretch operation will create non-planar faces. For example, clicking on the corner of a box with the move tool and move down in the blue direction causes SketchUp to create a fold line along the box's top face..

Forcing Autofold Behavior

There are times when SketchUp constrains an operation in favor of keeping all faces planar and not creating additional fold lines. For example,  clicking on the edge of a box with the move tool only allows you to move the edge in a horizontal direction (red and green), but not vertically (blue).

You can override this behavior by pressing and releasing the Alt key before performing the move operation. This key sequence enables Autofold allowing  geometry to move freely in any direction.

Making Copies

As mentioned previously, the Move Tool can be used to make copies of entities within your model. To make copies of an entity using the Move Tool:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the entities to be copied.

  3. Select the Move Tool. The cursor will change to a four-way arrow.

  4. Press and release the Ctrl key on your keyboard. The cursor will change to a four-way arrow with a plus sign. This action informs Sketchup that you want to duplicate the selected entities.

  5. Click on the selected entities to copy.

  6. Move the cursor to copy the entities. A copy of the selected entities will follow as you move your mouse.

  7. Click at the destination point to finish your copy operation. The copied entities are now selected and the original entities are deselected.

Note - You can press and release the Ctrl key on your keyboard at any time during a move operation to perform a copy (not just at the start).

Creating Multiple Copies (Linear Arrays)

The Move Tool can also be used to create arrays, or a series of copies of geometry. To create multiple copies of one or more entities:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the entities to be copied.

  3. Select the Move Tool.

  4. Press and release the Ctrl key on your keyboard. The cursor will change to an arrow with a plus sign. This action informs SketchUp that you want to duplicate the selected entities.

  5. Click on the selected entities to copy.

  6. Move your mouse to copy the entities. A copy of the selected entities will follow as you move your mouse.

  7. Click at the destination point to finish your copy operation. The copied entities are now selected and the original entities are deselected.

  8. Type a multiplier value to create additional multiple copies. For example, typing in 2x (or *2) will create one additional copy (or 2 copies total, the one you manually copied plus one you automatically copied using this step) instead of just one.

Creating Copies at an Equal Distance Apart

You can divide the distance between the copy and the original by typing in a divisor value. For example, typing 5/ (or /5) will create five copies evenly distributed between the original and the first copy. You can keep typing in distances and multipliers until you perform another operation.

Tip - This feature is particularly useful in creating models of items such as fences, bridges, and decks, where you might want several posts or beams an equal distance apart.

Specifying Precise Move Values

The VCB at the bottom right corner of the SketchUp window displays the length of the move operation (displacement) in the default units, as specified under the Units panel of the Model Info dialog box,  while moving, copying, or stretching entities. In addition to creating arrays, you can also specify an exact displacement or a relative or absolute 3D coordinate for the finishing point during, or immediately after, a move operation.

Entering a Displacement Value

You can specify a new displacement length during or directly following a move operation. To enter a displacement value during a move operation:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the entities to be moved.

  3. Select the Move Tool. The cursor will change to a four-way arrow.

  4. Click once to select the start point of the move operation.

  5. Move your mouse to begin moving the entities in the correct direction. The selected entities will follow as you move your mouse. Also, an inference line will appear between the start and ending points of the move, and the distance of the move is displayed dynamically in the VCB.

  6. Type the positive or negative displacement value (such as 20' or -35mm) in the VCB and press Enter or Return.

Note - You can type values in the VCB using an alternate measuring system than the default system. SketchUp will convert the value to the default system. For example, you can type in 3' 6" even if you are using metric system as your default.

Entering a 3D Coordinate

SketchUp can move your entities to exact (using []) or relative (using <>) coordinates in 3D space. To enter a 3D coordinate during a move operation:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the entities to be moved.

  3. Select the Move Tool. The cursor will change to a four-way arrow.

  4. Click once to select the start point of the move operation.

  5. Move your mouse to begin moving the entities in the correct direction. The selected entities will follow as you move your mouse. Also, an inference line will appear between the start and ending points of the move, and the distance of the move is displayed dynamically in the Value Control Box (VCB).

  6. Type the exact or relative coordinate.

 Global Coordinates: [x, y, z] of the current Sketch Axes:

 Relative Coordinates: <x, y, z> relative to the start point:

Note - You can define only one or two values as part of your 3D coordinate. For example, to move geometry to 2 feet in the z or blue direction enter the following in the VCB: [,,2']

Note - The exact format for values typed in the VCB will vary depending on your computer's regional settings. For some European users, the list separator symbol is a semi-colon instead of a comma. For example,  [x; y; z]


Use the Rotate Tool to rotate, stretch, distort, or copy entities along a rounded path. Activate the Rotate Tool from either the Modification toolbar or the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut: Q

Rotating Geometry

You can rotate geometry in three different planes in a 3D environment. To rotate geometry using the Rotate Tool:

  1. Select the Rotate Tool. The cursor will change to a protractor with a circular arrow.

  2. Click on the entity to rotate.

  3. Move the cursor in a circle until it is at the starting point of the rotation.

  1. Click to set the starting point of the rotation. Use the inference ToolTips help you to find the center of the rotation.

  2. Move the cursor until it as at the ending point of the rotation.  If the Enable angle snapping checkbox is checked in the Units Panel of the Model Info dialog box, movements close to the protractor result in angle snaps, while those further away from the protractor allow free rotation.

Note - Press the Esc key at any point during the operation to start over.

  1. Click to complete the rotation.

Rotational Stretching with Auto-Fold

The Rotate Tool can also be used to stretch geometry by selecting and rotating a portion of the geometry. Any rotational movement that would cause a face to twist in on itself or otherwise become non-planar will activate SketchUp's Auto-Fold feature.

Making Copies

The Rotate Tool can be used to make rotated copies of entities within your model. To make copies of an entity using the Rotate Tool:

  1. Select the Rotate Tool. The cursor will change to a protractor with a circular arrow.

  2. Click on the entity to rotate.

  3. Press and release the Ctrl key on your keyboard. The cursor will change to a protractor  with a plus sign. This action informs Sketchup that you want to duplicate the entity.

  4. Move the cursor in a circle until it is at the starting point of the rotation.

  5. Click to set the starting point of the rotation. Use the inference ToolTips help you to find the center of the rotation.

  6. Move the cursor until it as at the ending point of the rotation.  A copy of the entity appears and is rotated about the starting point. If the Enable angle snapping checkbox is checked in the Units Panel of the Model Info dialog box, movements close to the protractor result in angle snaps, while those further away from the protractor allow free rotation.

  7. Click to complete the rotation.

Note - You can press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard at any time during a move operation to perform a copy (not just at the start).

Creating Multiple Copies (Radial Arrays)

The Rotate Tool can also be used to create radial arrays, or a series of copies around a rotate point. To create a radial array.

  1. Select the Rotate Tool. The cursor will change to a protractor with a circular arrow.

  2. Click on the entity to rotate.

  3. Press and release the Ctrl key on your keyboard. The cursor will change to a protractor  with a plus sign. This action informs Sketchup that you want to duplicate the entity.

  4. Move the cursor in a circle until it is at the starting point of the rotation.

  5. Click to set the starting point of the rotation. Use the inference ToolTips help you to find the center of the rotation.

  6. Move the cursor until it as at the ending point of the rotation.  A copy of the entity appears and is rotated about the starting point. If the Enable angle snapping checkbox is checked in the Units Panel of the Model Info dialog box, movements close to the protractor result in angle snaps, while those further away from the protractor allow free rotation.

  7. Click to complete the rotation.

  8. Type a multiplier value to create additional multiple copies. For example, typing in 2x (or *2) will create one additional copy (or 2 copies total, the one you manually copied plus one you automatically copied using this step) instead of just one.


Note - You can press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard at any time during a rotate operation to perform a copy (not just at the start).

Creating Copies at an Equal Distance Apart

You can divide the distance between the copy and the original by typing in a divisor value in the VCB. For example, typing 5/ (or /5) will create five copies evenly distributed between the original and the first copy. You can enter distances and multipliers until you perform another operation.

Folding Along an Axis of Rotation

You can fold geometry by setting the protractor along an edge that will act like a fold line and then folding geometry at that line. To fold geometry along an axis of rotation:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the geometry to rotate. The bottom of the triangle will act as a fold line.

  1. Select the Rotate Tool. The cursor will change to a protractor with a circular arrow.

  2. Click and hold on one end of the fold line or edge where the fold will appear in your geometry.

  3. Drag the cursor along the fold line to align the protractor to the fold line (the bottom of the triangle).

  1. Release the mouse button to set the rotation point or the point upon which the geometry will rotate.

  2. Click the mouse again to set the starting point of the rotation.

  1. Move the mouse to rotate. If angle snaps are active under preferences, you'll notice that as you move the mouse, movements close to the protractor will result in angle snaps, while those further away from the protractor will allow free rotation.

  1. Click a third time at the ending point of the rotation (to complete the rotation).

Specifying Precise Angular Values

The degree of rotation you have indicated appears in angular degrees in the VCB while rotating. You can also manually enter in angular rotation or slope values directly into the VCB while rotating geometry.

Entering an Angular Rotation Value

To specify an exact angle in degrees, type a decimal value into the VCB while rotating the cursor around the protractor. For example, typing in 34.1 will give you an exact 34.1 degree angle. Negative values will move angle in a counter-clockwise direction. You can specify an exact angular value either during or immediately after your rotation operation.

Entering a Slope Value

To specify a new angle as a slope, type in the two values separated by a colon in the VCB, such as 8:12. Negative values will move angle in a counter-clockwise direction. You can specify an exact angular value either during or immediately after your rotation operation.

Locking the Rotate Tool to its Current Orientation

Press and hold the Shift key, before you click on an entity, to lock the operation to that orientation.


Use the Scale Tool to resize and stretch portions of geometry relative to other entities in your model. Activate the Scale Tool from the Modification toolbar or the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut:S

Note - A Global Scale is an operation whereby the entire model is scaled simultaneously by applying a desired dimension to the distance between two points. The Scale Tool is only intended to perform scaling operations on portions of your model (not the entire model). Use the Tape Measure Tool's Global Re-Scale functionality to perform global scaling operations.

Scaling Geometry

  1. Select the Scale Tool. The cursor will change to a box within another box.

  2. Click on the entity. Scaling grips will appear around the selected geometry.

  1. Click on a scaling grip. The selected grip and the opposite scaling grip will highlight in red. Each scaling grip provides a different scaling operation. See Scaling Options section for further information.

  1. Move the cursor to scale the entity. The Value Control Box (VCB) displays relative size of the item as you scale the item.  You can enter the desired scale dimensions after the scale operation is complete.

Note - Press the Esc key at any point during the operation to start over.

  1. Click to finish scale operation.

Scaling Auto-Folding Geometry

SketchUp's Auto-fold feature works automatically with all Scale operations. SketchUp will create folding lines as necessary to maintain planar faces.

Scaling a 2D Surface or Image Entity

Two-dimensional surfaces and Image entities can be scaled just as easily as three-dimensional geometry. The Scale Tool's bounding box contains nine scaling grips when scaling a 2D face. These operate in a similar manner to the grips in a 3D bounding box, and also work with the Ctrl and Shift modifiers.

The bounding box is a 2D rectangle when scaling a single 2D surface that lies in the red-green plane.  The bounding box will be a 3D volume if the surface to be scaled is out of plane with the current red-green plane. You can ensure a 2D scale by aligning the Drawing Axes to a surface prior to scaling.

Scaling Components

Scaling a Component entity scales the individual instance. All other instances of the component will retain their individual scales. This feature allows you to have many differently scaled versions of the same component in your model.

Scale operations within a component's context (such as scaling a Line entity within a component) affects the component definition and, therefore, all instances of the component will be scaled to match (all instances of the same Line entity in all component instances).

Scaling Grip Types

Upon activation, the Scale Tool displays all the grips you may use. Any grips hidden behind geometry will become visible whenever touched by the mouse cursor, and remain fully operable. Turn on X-ray Transparency mode to reveal any hidden grips.

The Scale Tool allows you to perform both uniform scaling and nonuniform scaling (stretching operations). The scaling grip that is used dictates the type of scaling you perform.


Corner Grips

Corner grips scale the selected geometry from the opposite corner.  The default behavior is a uniform scale such that the proportions remain intact and a single scale factor or dimension is displayed in the VCB.

Edge Grips

Edge grips scale the selected geometry from the opposite edge by two dimensions simultaneously. The default behavior is a nonuniform scale, meaning that the proportions of the object will change.  The VCB displays two values separated by a comma.

Face Grips

Face grips scale the selected geometry from the opposite face in only one dimension. The default behavior is a nonuniform scale, meaning that the proportions of the object will change. The VCB displays and accepts a single value.

Scaling About the Geometry Center

The Scale Tool allows you to scale outward from geometry's center point. Hold down the Ctrl key at any time during a scale operation to display the geometry's center point, click on any of the other scaling grips, and drag outward or inward to scale accordingly.

Scaling Uniformly

You might need to maintain the uniformity of geometry as it is being scaled, despite performing nonuniform scaling. The Shift key toggles to uniform scaling operation (from a nonuniform scaling operation) and to nonuniform scaling operation  (from a uniform scaling operation).

Note - The Ctrl and Shift keys can be used in conjunction to allow uniform and non-uniform scaling from the center of the selected geometry.

Controlling Scaling Direction With The Axis Tool

You can precisely control the direction of scaling by first repositioning the drawing axes with the Axes Tool.  The Scale Tool will use the new red, green, and blue directions to orient itself, and control grip direction, after the axes are repositioned.

Specifying Precise Scale Values

The VCB at the bottom right corner of the SketchUp window displays the axis dimensions that are being scaled, and the value of the scale itself, in the default units (as specified under the Units panel of the Model Info dialog box) during a scaling operation.  Type a scale value into the VCB to directly scale geometry during or immediately after a scaling operation.

Entering a Scale Multiplier Value

You can specify a new dimensional length value during or directly following an scaling operation. To enter a dimensional length value during a scaling operation:

  1. Select the Select Tool. The cursor will change to an arrow.

  2. Select the geometry to scale.

  3. Select the Scale Tool. The cursor will change to a box within another box. Scaling grips will appear around the selected geometry.

  4. Click on a scaling grip to select the grip. The selected grip and the opposite scaling grip will highlight in red. Each scaling grip provides a different scaling operation. See Scaling Options section for further information.

  5. Move the mouse to scale the geometry. The Value Control Box (VCB) displays relative size of the item as you scale the item.  You can enter the desired scale dimensions after the scale operation is complete.

  6. Type the dimensional length value (such as 2' 6" for two feet and six inches or 2m for two meters) in the VCB and press Enter or Return.

Mirroring Geometry using the Scale Tool

The Scale Tool can also be used to mirror geometry by pulling a grip towards and then beyond the point about which you are scaling. This operation allows you to pull geometry inside out. Note that the grips snap to certain negative values (such as -1, -1.5, and -2) just as they do in the positive direction. You can force a mirror by typing in a negative value or dimension.

Entering Multiple Scale Values

The VCB always indicates the scaling factors associated with a particular operation. A 1D scaling operation requires one value. A 2D scaling operation requires two values, separated by a comma. A Uniform 3D scaling operation requires only one value whereas a Non Uniform 3D scaling operation requires three values, each separated by a comma.

You'll notice that during the scale operation, a dashed line appears between the scaling point and the grip you've selected. Entering a single value or distance in the VCB tells SketchUp adjust the anchor to grip distance to be that scale value or distance, regardless of which mode (1D, 2D, 3D) is active.

When scaling in multiple directions, typing in multiple values separated by commas will resize the object(s) based on the entire bounding box dimension(s), not the objects individually. (To scale objects based on a particular edge or known distance, you can use the Tape Measure Tool.)

Push Pull

Use the Push/Pull Tool to push and pull Face entities to add volume to or subtract volume from your models. You can use push/pull to create volume out of any face type, including circular, rectangular, and abstract faces. Activate the Push/Pull Tool from either the Modification toolbar or the Tools menu.

Keyboard Shortcut: P

Note - Push/Pull works only on faces, and therefore does not work when SketchUp is set to a Wireframe rendering style.

Creating a Volume

Push/Pull Tool is used to expand or decrease the volume of geometry in your models. To push or pull faces:

  1. Select the Push/Pull Tool. The cursor will change to a 3D rectangle with an up arrow.

  2. Click on the face that you want to expand or decrease.

  1. Move the cursor to create (or decrease) volume.

Note - Press the Esc key at any point during the operation to start over.

  1. Click when the volume has reached the desired size.

Note - You can also press and hold the mouse button, drag the mouse, and release the mouse button to create a volume.

Note - When you create a single face, as shown previously in step 4, on the ground plane (the red/green plane), SketchUp assumes you are going to be using that face as the floor of a structure.  The front of the face (gray) points down and the back of the face (purple) points up. When you use the Push/Pull Tool on this single face (in the blue direction), you are really pulling up from the back of the face. The positive blue direction temporarily acts as the "below ground" or negative blue direction. A double-click, after performing the initial push/pull, applies a positive amount and returns the entity to the single face you started with.

Repeating a Push/Pull Operation

Double-clicking on another face immediately after a push/pull operation will automatically apply another push/pull operation, of the same amount, to the other face.

Note - The side of the face that you double-click on affects the direction of the repeated push/pull operation. If your last push/pull was on a front face, and you double-click on the back side face, the push/pull will occur in the opposite direction.

Creating Voids

Push/pull will implode the shape into the volume and toward the back face of the volume when you use push/pull on a shape that is part of another volume. SketchUp will subtract the shape and create a 3D void if the shape is pushed completely out of the back of the volume as in the following example.

Note - This operation only works when the front and back faces are parallel. Such as when you have two parallel walls in a house and you want to create a void for a door or window.

Creating a New Push/Pull Starting Face

Push/Pull a face (click on the face, move, and then click again) and then press and release Ctrl (the cursor will contain a plus sign) and push/pull again. The lines that represent the edges of the top-most face will remain as the starting point for a new push/pull operation. This mechanism is useful for creating quick multilevel buildings. The following image shows a face that was pulled up (left), then the user pressed and released Ctrl and pulled again (middle) and then the user pressed and released Ctrl and pulled again (right).

This operation is particularly useful for creating quick space planning diagrams (such as for an office building). Simply use a combination of push/pull and push/pull with Ctrl to create offices, halls, break rooms, meeting rooms and so on (with walls created when Ctrl is pressed).

Pushing and Pulling a Curved Face

You can use the Push/Pull Tool on faces that have an arc as an edge similarly to using the Push/Pull Tool on regular faces. The curved face that results from the push/pull operation is called a Surface entity. Surfaces can be adjusted as a whole, but are comprised of a number of faces or a curved face set.

Tip - Select View > Hidden Geometry to view and manipulate the individual faces in the surface.

Specifying Precise Push/Pull Values

The displacement of a push/pull operation is displayed in the Value Control Box.  You can specify an exact push/pull value either during or immediately after your push/pull operation. Negative values will perform the push/pull in the opposite direction.

Follow me tool (adapted from the Help file)

The Follow Me Tool is used to duplicate the profile of a face along a path.

We draw an arc, then a profile (a triangle in this instance) and use the Follow me tool to sweep the profile (face) along a path.

Click here to play a movie which shows how SketchUp the follow me tool cleverly moves a profile along a path.

You can manually and automatically extrude a face along a path using the Follow Me Tool. Activate the Follow Me tool from the Tools menu or the Modification toolbar.

Note - The path and the face must be in the same context.

Manually Extruding a Face Along a Path

The manual method for extruding a face along a path allows you to control the direction the face will travel while performing the extrude. To manually extrude a face along a path using the Follow Me tool:

  1. Identify the edge of the geometry you want to modify. This edge will be your path.

  2. Draw a face that you want to follow the path. Make sure that this profile is approximately perpendicular to the path.

  1. Click on the Follow Me tool from the toolbar. The cursor will change to a slanted cylinder with an arrow.  

  2. Click on the face that you created.

  3. Drag the cursor along the path. SketchUp will highlight the path, in red, you are following as you drag your cursor around the model. You must touch the segment of the path immediately adjacent to the profile for the Follow Me to start in the correct location. If you select an edge, as your starting edge, that is not touching the profile, Follow Me will start extruding at that edge, not from the profile to that edge.

Note - Press the Esc key at any point during the operation to start over.

  1. Click to complete the Follow Me operation when you reach the end of the path.


Preselecting the Path

You can preselect the path using the select tool to help the Follow Me tool follow the correct path. To extrude a face along a pre-selected path:

  1. Draw a profile of the face that you want to follow the path. Make sure that this profile is approximately perpendicular to the path.

  2. Select the continuous set of edges that represent the path.

  3. Select the Follow Me tool from the Tools menu (the edges should still be selected). The cursor will change to a slanted box with an arrow.  

  4. Click on the profile that you created. The surface will be extruded continuously along your pre-selected path.

Automatically Extruding a Face Along a Single Surface Path

The simplest and most accurate way to extrude a face along a path is to have the Follow Me Tool automatically select and follow a path on a single coplaner surface. To automatically extrude a face along a path on an single surface using the Follow Me tool:

  1. Identify the edge of the geometry you want to modify. This edge will be your path.

  2. Draw a profile of the face that you want to follow the path. Make sure that this profile is approximately perpendicular to the path.

  1. Select the Follow Me tool from the Tools menu.

  2. Press and hold the Alt Key.

  3. Click on the profile that you created.

  4. Move the cursor off the profile surface onto the surface around which you wish to sweep. The path will automatically close.

Note - If your path consists of the edges around a single surface, you can select the surface and then the Follow Me tool to automatically follow the edges around the surface.

  1. Click to commit the follow-me operation.

Creating a Lathed Shape

You can use the Follow Me Tool to create full lathed shapes using circular paths. To create a lathed shape:

  1. Draw a circle whose edge will represent the path.

  2. Draw a face perpendicular to the circle. The face does not have to be on or even touch the circle's path.

  1. Select the Follow Me Tool from the Tools menu. The cursor will change to a slanted box with an arrow.  

  2. Follow the edge of the circle with the face using one of the methods above.


To come.

Tape measure

To come.


To come.


To come.


To come.


To come.

Section Plane

SketchUp allows for the creation of sections

Section Cut Effects

SketchUp allows you to create section cut effects which are the result of slicing through your model to see and work inside its interior. The following image shows a model of a building with a section cut affect active allowing the designer to work inside the model or present interior detail to a client.


The following model shows the section cut effect resulting from slicing through the model of a cup.

Section Planes

Section cut effects are created by section planes which are special entities used to control the selection, placement, orientation, direction, of the section slice. Section planes are generated using the Section Plane Tool.

The previous image shows a section plane entity intersecting the cup and creating a section slice through the cup.

Section Slices

The term section slice refers to the edges that are highlighted after intersecting geometry with a section plane.  The following image shows a section slice in red.

These edges act as dynamic virtual edges in that they continually change as you move the section plane through your model with the Move Tool. You can create a group from these edges, such as when slicing horizontally through a house, to create a wire frame of the model (such the outline of a floor plan). Then, export this section slice for use in a CAD program to add additional detail (such as wall construction detail).

Off road vehicle

We will use the section tool to slice through a model of an off-road vehicle.

Model of an off road vehicle.

Section through the central zone of the vehicle above - metal cladding removed.

Click here to play a movie which shows how to use the section cut tool. We cut a section through an off road vehicle.

SketchUp - experimenting with display styles

Open the model OffRoadVehicle.

Use the section cut tool as shown in the movie.

Export DXF

Click here to play a movie which shows one method of exporting data from a model.

Export STL

STL files are solid model files and can be used to export models to solid modelling software such as 3DStudio, SolidWorks, ProEngineer etc.


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